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ELPE Health is a registered NDIS provider for the following supports;


Support Coordination


We understand that navigating your National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) package can feel overwhelming at times.


ELPE Health's Support Coordination service can help you to get the most out of your funding package and put your plan into action. 


Our Support Coordinators can guide and plan the support your need providing you Choice and Control for all services required. 

Supporting you to live your best life


Our Support Coordination services can help you achieve your goals by:


  • Finding services that meet your unique needs, as identified in your NDIS plan

  • Helping you to get the most from your funding and services; including obtaining quotes and coordinating service providers in line with your goals

  • Managing and coordinating your service providers and support

  • Liaising with government agencies and the community on your behalf

  • Negotiating the method and timing of your supports, including service agreements

  • Connecting you into work, study and / or other communities based on your personals goals

  • Working with you to develop your skills, capacity and resilience 

  • Monitoring your NDIS plan and working with you to review your goals prior to the first planning meeting and subsequent reviews


​Therapeutic support


Facilitating self-knowledge, emotional acceptance and growth and the optimal development of personal resources on a one to one basis. Assist participants to work towards their personal goals and gain greater insight into their lives.


ELPE Health's therapeutic team specialise in supporting people with complex needs such as developmental and psychiatric disability, including dual diagnosis and autism. We will take the time to get to know you as an individual, to really listen and understand what is important to you. Together we will make sure your support is tailored to your choices and needs.


Our team of Psychologists, Occupational Therapists, Speech Pathologist, Physiotherapists, Speech Pathologist, Dietitian, Therapy Assistant and Continence Assessors can provide:


  • assessment


  • individual counselling


  • therapeutic intervention


NDIS Price Guide


ELPE Health price NDIS Services and Support in line with the NDIS Price Guide - Price guides and pricing | NDIS



What is disability advocacy?


The National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 defines an independent advocate, in relation to a person with disability, to mean a person who:


  • is independent of the Agency, the Commission and any NDIS providers providing supports or services to the person with disability


  • provides independent advocacy for the person with disability, to assist the person with disability to exercise choice and control and to have their voice heard in matters that affect them


  • acts at the direction of the person with disability, reflecting the person with disability’s expressed wishes, will, preferences and rights


  • is free of relevant conflicts of interest.


The Act acknowledges the important role of advocates (including independent advocates) and other representatives of persons with disability; and requires registered NDIS providers to cooperate with, and facilitate arrangements for, advocates (including independent advocates) and other representatives of persons with disability who are affected by complaints or incidents and who wish to be independently supported in that process by an advocate or other representative.


For further information on disability advocacy and finding a disability advocate, see: the Disability Advocacy Finder -


Citizen Advocacy (Launceston Only) 

PO Box 673

Launceston TAS 7250 

(03) 6331 2177 

The Association for Children with Disability (Tas) Inc

Advocacy for Families and their children with disability (0-18)

GPO Box 730

Hobart TAS 7001

1800 244 742



People with disability have the right to complain about the services they receive. Most NDIS providers do their best to provide quality supports and services to people with disability, but issues can occur.


If you have a concern about your current NDIS supports or services, it is important that you talk about it.


Complaints are important—they can help providers understand what is important to people with disability and improve the quality of services they provide, so your complaint can help other people too.


If you feel comfortable, you are encouraged to raise your concern or complaint with your provider first, as this is often the best way to have your issue resolved quickly.  All registered NDIS providers must have a complaints management and resolution system in place. 

If the provider is unable to resolve your concern or complaint, then you should seek further support.


You may seek support from family, a friend or an independent advocate in making a complaint. For further information see: Disability Advocacy.


A complaint can be made to the NDIS Commission by:


  • Phoning: 1800 035 544 (free call from landlines) or TTY 133 677. Interpreters can be arranged.




The NDIS Commission can take complaints from anyone about:


  • NDIS services or supports that were not provided in a safe and respectful way


  • NDIS services and supports that were not delivered to an appropriate standard


  • how an NDIS provider has managed a complaint about services or supports provided to an NDIS participant


As well as dealing with complaints, the NDIS Commission works to educate providers about delivering quality and safe supports, and effectively responding to complaints. If a complaint raises a serious compliance issue, the NDIS Commission has powers to take action.



Confidentiality and Privacy


ELPE Health is bound by the Federal Privacy Act (1988) and National Privacy Principles.



Healthcare Rights


Understand your healthcare rights, ELPE Health have posters and brochures on display or visit Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Heath Care.

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